Account management

To execute quantum programs on an OQC quantum computer, you need to log in to the system. This ensures your tasks are kept safe, and allows you to track usage..

Logging in

When your account was created, you should have received an email asking you to set up your password. If you have not done this yet, please set up your password now at If you didn’t receive a welcome email, contact your organization administrator, or contact OQC Cloud support if you don’t know who your organization administrator is.

When you are logged in, you can manage your account, and can generate Access Tokens to allow you to connect to the OQC Client.

Access Tokens

An access token is the preferred method for authenticating the OQC python client. Access tokens authenticate as you without you having to send your username and password. When you create an access token, you can set an expiration date so that it can’t be used indefinitely. For credential rotation you can create more than one access token, updating your code to use the new one before deleting the old one.

Once you have created an access token, you can copy it and use it in your code to create quantum tasks

from qcaas_client.client import OQCClient

client = OQCClient(url = <oqc_cloud_url>,
                   authentication_token = <access_token>)

At this point, you have set up an authenticated OQCClient object which is needed for the following examples.

User password management

All OQC Cloud user accounts are password protected. Your organization administrator will have set any password expiration rules, as well as rules for how long and complex your password must be. Visit to edit your password prior to expiration, or visit to reset your password if you have lost access to it. Your organization administrator can also reset your password if required.

Two Factor Authentication

For additional security, you can add two factor authentication to your account, either using an authenticator application or by having a two factor code emailed to you each time you log in. You can configure this through your account settings in the OQC Cloud portal.

If you lose your two factor authentication device, contact your organization administrator who can help you re-gain access.

Account lockout

If you attempt to log in with an incorrect password, you will be forced to wait for a period of time before logging in again. To keep your account secure, that period of time will increase with multiple failed login attempts. The wait period and maximum time are configuired by your organization administrator.