Code examples

Example 1: Submit a program (Hello World!)

The example code is intended to guide you, step by step, through the entire task submission and retrieval process supported by the Client. The example demonstrates the submission of a OPENQASM2.0 program, but programs of other supported languages follow the the same process.

from qcaas_client.client import OQCClient, QPUTask
from qcaas_client.compiler_config import CompilerConfig, QuantumResultsFormat, Tket, TketOptimizations

from qcaas_common.enums import ClientTaskStatus as TaskStatus

url = <oqc_cloud_url>
authentication_token = <access_token>

# Set up the client
client = OQCClient(url=url, authentication_token=authentication_token)

# Setup a quantum program. In this case we are using a Hello World circuit written in the QASM2.0 language.
hello_world = """
include "";
qreg q[2];
creg c[2];
h q;
cx q[0], q[1];
measure q->c;

# Set compiler configuration options (if desired, default settings will be used if no user input provided)
shot_count = 1000
res_format = QuantumResultsFormat().binary_count()
optimisations = Tket()
optimisations.tket_optimizations = TketOptimizations.Two

config = CompilerConfig(repeats=shot_count, results_format=res_format,  optimizations=optimisations)

# We can construct a QPU task object
task = QPUTask(program=hello_world, config=config)

# Schedule the task on the QPU
task_id = client.schedule_tasks(task,qpu_id=qpu_id)[0].task_id

task_status = client.get_task_status(task_id,qpu_id=qpu_id)

if task_status == TaskStatus.COMPLETED.value:
    schedule_result = client.get_task_results(task_id,qpu_id=qpu_id)